Tuesday, November 22, 2011

RJC Thanks its Supporters at Appreciation and Fund-Raising Banquet

RJC held it's annual Fund-Raising and Appreciation Banquet on Saturday, November 19.  Over 240 friends of the school enjoyed a great evening of singing, storytelling and good food.  A silent and live auction added to the fun, as did the "passing on the gift" of a live chicken!  The RJC board and staff are grateful to all who consider the Christian education at the school important and support it through attendance, prayers and funds.  Thank you!!

There were many fantastic items available for bid at the silent auction.

Former board member Duff shows off the live chicken that was up for sale.  If you purchased the chicken you were free to give it to someone else who then had to buy it as well in order to be able to "pass on the gift".

RJC Art teacher Denise made a quilt from recycled denim and RJC dress code.  It was one of the featured items of the live auction.

Our guest for the evening was Adriana Koehn.  Adriana is the Connecting Peoples Coordinator for MCC Guatemala and El Salvador.  She is the contact person for RJC's travels to Central America and serves as organizer and tour facilitator while our students are there.  Adriana spoke of the importance of a broader world view that is global in scope and focuses on the servant leadership and compassion of Jesus.

Adriana included many pictures from her experiences in Guatemala and El Salvador to her presentation.

Krista, a 2009 graduate of RJC, responded to Adriana's presentation by reflecting on her learning while in Guatemala and how it has shaped her thinking since then.

Erik, a 2010 graduate, also shared about his Guatemalan experiences including his struggle with eating beans every day as well as a life changing lesson he learned about generosity while at the Lo de Carranza Mennonite Church in Guatemala City.

The evening also was highlighted by the singing of Sonrisa, a group of 25 young women led by Lynne.  All either are alumnus of RJC or else are connected to the school in some other way.  They meet weekly to continue enjoying the gift of singing which was enhanced for them while attending RJC.

Friday, November 4, 2011