Thursday, March 11, 2010

'Guys and Pies' Fundraiser

Russ Regier and his "Buncha Guys" provided the program for our most recent 'Guys and Pies" fundraiser. The 'Buncha Guys' group always draws a crowd where ever they sing! There were many familiar faces in this group as all but one of the members are alumni of RJC.
Along with the superb entertainment came a cake auction. Paul Tiessen lead the auction with Duff Warkentin assisting . Current RJC student, Monica Siemens 'modeled' the cakes for the audience to see.

We are grateful to all who so generously bid on all the cakes. Also a big thank you to the people who took the time and expense to prepare the beautiful cakes that were all donated for the evening. Over $14,000 was raised for RJC Auxiliary projects!

Although the evening was called "Guys and Pies" it was necessary for a few women to accompany the men!

Lynn Driedger Enns, Nancy Epp and Heather Epp.

The RJC ManChoir also performed a few songs during the evening. They also performed with the Buncha Guys for a number together to round out the evening.

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