The group attended several sessions on leadership and participated in many team building activities.
Nic Fast, dean of men, explains the goal of one of the team building activity
SRC and DC work together to accomplish the task.
Patrick Preheim and Reese Ratzlaff from Nutana Mennonite Church in Saskatoon lead many of the workshops.
The two days of preparation ended with a Commissioning Service where the students were affirmed in their roles. Local pastors from Rosthern Mennonite Church, Barb Froese and Craig Neufeld participated in the service.
The staff surround the students in a prayer of blessing.
The students then continued the preparations for opening weekend by packing welcome bags for everyone.
Kathy Powley, one of the dean of women, discusses objectives and goals with the girls dorm council.
Hannah Jones and Jennifer Klaassen are on poster making duty.
Luke Warkentin lends a helping hand.
Sunday evening ended with the Walk a Mile and nightlunch. Then off to bed to rest up for a full day of classes!