Saturday, September 20, 2014

Fall Frolic 2014

Despite slightly cooler temperatures and cloudy skies the student body travelled to the Valley Regional Park for the annual Fall Frolic.  The student soon shed their jackets as the afternoon heated up as well as the competition.  The clouds parted and the sun shone making it a great afternoon to 'frolic' in the park.  The SRC divided the students into teams and the teams rotated through a series of activites.  The afternoon was filled with smiles, laughter and friendly competition.  Who can complain about an afternoon out of the classroom!

Mikayla goes up against Liam in Ultimate Frisbee

Janelle with an awesome catch!

Michael slides into first base.

Chris races to the finish line.

Isaac in a giant game of frozen tag.

Dannica, Kelsey and Brock in a three legged race.

Michael and Dusty team up at Can Jam.

Katie's ready for the toss.

Tug a War

Erika and Jerrick give all out effort.

Zachary and Dante on the zip line.

Alexa and Kyanna take their turn.

A sunny afternoon at the Valley Regional Park !