Sunday, June 14, 2015

Water Fun Day!! 2015

Students took a break from the classroom on Thursday June 11th to enjoy the sun and warmer temperatures. The SRC planned an afternoon of activities that all revolved around water.  A towel and clothes you could get wet in were the only requirements!  

Water balloon volleyball.

Cole - Can you catch a water balloon with soapy hands?

Kelsey transfers water to Alex's cut during the Water Relay!

Ryan strikes back in Water Dodgeball.

Jade and Dusty racing for the pylon at the end of the water obstacle course.

Danielle and Katie gave it their best try.

Kylee, Janelle and Val fire away for Wet Jackpot!

Ready for action in Water Jackpot!

Manny and Danny go up for 'wet 200'.

The day ended with a slip and slide!!