Thursday, November 6, 2008

RJC Observes Remembrance Day in Chapel

The RJC Faith and Life Committee organized a Remembrance Chapel on Thursday Nov. 6.
The chapel opened with prayers from Ian Epp and Jenn Regier. The opening hymn, "If the War Goes on" was led by Richard Janzen. Staff member Ryan Wood shared a message of remembrance, complete with a challenge to work for peace. Brendan Bayda, Levi D. and Jordan Kopp shared about the history of the White poppy, Red poppy and MCC button campaigns. Carissa Brockman read and reflected on the famous WWI poem "In Flanders Fields". Jesse W. prepared a slide show and shared about his cousin who was killed in Afghanistan. After this emotional presentation the student body sang "O Healing River" and Ian and Jenn closed in prayer. The words and thoughts shared in chapel were moving and reminded everyone how fortunate we are to live at a time of relative peace in this land. We remember, and we work for peace.

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