Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

We take a lot of pictures here at RJC! We love to highlight the activities and especially the students themselves during the school year. We do this for many, many reasons. We use them for website blog updates (check us out at www.rjc.sk.ca ) , newsletters, school displays, yearbook and especially for the year end slideshow. During the year we have many requests from parents and students for jpg files of pictures that they have seen displayed. Unfortunately, due to the vast quantity of pictures we keep on file and the time it would take to locate each requested picture, it has not been possible to honor these requests. However, (being a parent myself), I understand fully why parents and students would like to have access to the pictures we have. After all, high school is a unique time in their lives and having a photograph depicting their experiences only becomes more treasured as the years go by.

For that reason Lloyd has been searching for an efficient way to make this possible. He think he have found a solution to this problem. He has found a website that will host our pictures and allow you to download any file you want, any size you want. You then can keep it on file yourself or have a print made from your file. I have downloaded the majority of the pictures that I thought the parents would be most interested in for the previous 2008-2009 school year. The pictures are in SETS ordered by DATE and ACTIVITY. Hopefully this will help you locate sport pictures, team pictures or isolate a particular event.

To access these files you need to go to www.flickr.com . In the search box type rosthernjrcollege and click on search. Then click on the RJC shield. Then click on rosthernjrcollege's photostream (to the right on the screen). Then choose sets, (left hand side under the large type). From here you can choose whatever file you would like to look at. Click on, all sizes, choose the size you would like and download!

These pictures will remain on this website until the end of June 2010.
I apologize for the vast number of pictures in each file but since every parent is looking for pictures of their own child I could not pare them down. (Not to mention the time it would take!) A fast computer would definitely put you at an advantage!

For the current parents of this years’ student body, please be aware that we are planning to post the 2009-2010 pictures at the end of June 2010 on this website. This way you can access pictures of your sons or daughter then.

We are hopeful that this will be a good solution to our dilemma. Your children are beautiful people and we enjoy capturing that in print!

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