Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Early October News Roundup

Here are some great pictures and descriptions of varied events in early October

Students at RJC reflected on what they were thankful for during the 'Thanksgiving' Chapel lead by the Faith and Life committee.

Faith and Life revealed it's theme for the year. Nicole and Brittany work on the wall mural. The theme is "Guide My Feet"
The Dorm Council and town representatives attended a leadership workshop. The students discussed and participated in activities about effective leadership styles. The workshop was lead by the deans.
A group of young adults from "Teen Missions Canada" came and shared their stories with us during chapel. Most of the participants in this program were from Indonesia or Korea. They shared the gospel with us through song, both in their native language as well as english.

RJC attended a presentation by Rob Nickel, on Staying Safe in a Wired World. It was an initiative that was sponsored by Rosthern local SCC committee. The students were very attentive as they learned about the dangers of the internet.