Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Grade 12 Spiritual Retreat

The theme for the grade 12 retreat was 'Who will you be next year?' and was held at Prince Albert National Park.  Students were challenged to think about who they are, rather than what they will be doing in the years to come.  Rosthern Mennonite Church youth pastor Craig Neufeld led the class in a series of 5 sessions where students explored different ways to connect with God.  The spiritual practices that the students learned can be used as they continue their path of spiritual growth this year, and beyond graduation.  The retreat was also a an excellent bonding time for the grade 12 class. 

Trust building exercise

The worship team led the music

Students participate in a session

Students share their thoughts after their meditation time on the shores of Waskesui Lake

Students were given time to be alone and engage in some intentional thinking and reflection

Foot washing challenges social norms, and brings the class together in new ways!

Awwww!  Are they cute when they are sleeping!  The Grade 12 retreat was a great time to enjoy the natural surrounds, bond as a class, and learn new ways to connect with God.