Thursday, September 15, 2011

RJC Opening Program 2011-2012

RJC celebrated the beginning of a new school year at it's official opening program on Sunday, September 11th.  Parents and friends of RJC gathered to show support for the mission of the school. 

Matt and Sara, co-presidents of the SRC welcomed everyone to the program.

Jim Epp, vice-principal awarded  last years General Proficiency Awards to  2011 graduates Hannah Jones and Tracy Fehr for academic excellence.  Tracy Fehr was also award the Governor General's Bronze Medal for her academic performance.

RJC is pleased to be hosting U of S education student Kelsea McLean as a teacher intern for the first semester.  Kelsea is working with the music program and conducted the RJC Concert Choir's opening number.

Brett is focused on the beat as he accompanies Concert Choir on the drums.

Kayla, a returning grade 11 student, shared her hopes and expectations for the upcoming school year as part of the Opening Program.

Gwen also spoke of her experiences at RJC last year and her excitement about the year to come.

Luke was the third student to share their reflections and thoughts surrounding the 2011-2012 school year.

Parents are an important partner in the RJC school community.  Rod and Laurie Wiens spoke of their daughter's excitement to finally come to RJC.

Leo and Donna Schulz reflected on the chapter that ended for their family in  spring when their daughter Judith graduated while another began this fall as their son Benjamin began his education at RJC.

The gym was full of students, family and school friends who all came to celebrate the beginning of another great year at RJC!