Monday, September 23, 2013

Spiritual Class Retreats 2013-14

Immediately following the Opening Program on Sunday September 15th each class left for their Spiritual Class Retreats.

Grade 10 Retreat
The grade 10 class left for a two day retreat to Christopher Lake, 90 minutes north of Rosthern.  The theme for the retreat was 'Risking New Beginnings'.  Besides exploring this theme through 4 sessions, time was spent relaxing, getting to know one another, and doing a variety of activities.  John and Cathy Ayres generously supplied their boat for Monday afternoon's activities on the water.  The weather was perfect for being on the water.  Special thanks to Duane Hearn for generously driving the boat all afternoon and to Pat Hildebrandt for helping out in the kitchen.

Jim and Joel lead the sessions for the retreats.  They used the story of Moses to explore the theme.  

Joel and Myrna lead the singing for the sessions.

The challenge course had the students working cooperatively to accomplish the many tasks.

Leaning on one another to get across the tightrope.

Plenty of time for game playing and just hanging out!

The helium stick.

Get Launched off the 'Blog'

Fun on the water!

And many times in the water!

The grade 10 class of 2013-14

Grade 11 Retreat - Camp Kinasao

The grade 11s went to Camp Kinasao for their retreat where they were challenged by Pastor Ben Pauls of Waldheim to recognize God's hand in all situations. Ben used the stories of the Apostle Peter, the Good Samaritan, and some current day stories to show how with God's help, good can come from what at first seems negative.

In their free time the 11s played many group games and even got a chance to enjoy the cool waters in the lake during a beautiful weather weekend.

Fun in the kayaks.

Bring it on!

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Lunch time!

The Grade 11 class of 2013-14

Grade 12 Retreat

This year's Grade 12 class retreat was at the Salvation Army Beaver Creek Camp, south of Saskatoon.  Patrick Preheim from Nutana Park Mennonite Church was our speaker, and he addressed the theme 'How to make the most of your Gr. 12 year' in a series of three sessions.  WIth the use of biblical and personal stories Patrick challenged the students to reconcile their past and dream for the future to make the most of their final year of high school    
Patrick Preheim

Kathleen and Kenna accompany the singing for the sessions.

Coffee house!

Daniel and Ben entertain the group with a hilarious rap.

Nature walk.

Ball game!

Exploring the theme.


The grade 12 class of 2013-14.