Thursday, September 27, 2012

Grade 10 Spiritual Retreat - Risking New Beginnings

After Opening program on September 17th, the grade 10 class left for their Spiritual retreat at Camp Kadesh, Christopher Lake.  The theme for the retreat was 'Risking New Beginnings'.  Jim Epp and Dave Attema explored this theme over the three days using the story of Esther and the story of Moses from the bible.  Dave used his personal story to also  illustrate risking a new beginning. Nancy Epp lead the singing during the sessions.  On Monday morning we spent time team building on the Kadesh challenge course.  The student were then treated to an afternoon on the lake.  Ron and Edith Regehr  drove their boat endlessly around the lake until the kids could take no more!  The kids bonded as a class in the 59° F water!  It was a time of learning, getting to know one another, relaxing and enjoying the lake.

Special thanks to Ron and Edith Regehr, Nancy Epp and Pat Hildebrandt for helping us with the Retreat.
It is not a retreat until you play dutch blitz!
Dutch blitz version 2!

Enjoying breakfast together at Camp Kadesh.

Mikayla and Shenyce set the record for greatest distance.
Dave, Kelsey and Mikayla balance while Katie swings over the poison river.

The grade 10 working cooperatively to move everyone to the other side of the  spiderweb.

"The Boys" - Joseph, Kelsey, Michael and Brandon.
Hang on! Shenyce, Mikayla, Mieke and Gabby.

Cheyenne, Dria, Kelsey and Hayley catch some air!

Arms and legs were flying everywhere!

A beautiful fall day was enjoyed by all.

Campfire and s'mores.

Grade 10 Class