Thursday, September 27, 2012

Grade 11 Spiritual Retreat - Learning to Lead

The theme for the grade 11 Spiritual Retreat was 'learning to lead'.  The retreat was held Sept 18th at Camp Kinasao at Christopher Lake.  The morning sessions were lead by Heather Peters from Hanley. The students explored different leaders in history and the different leadership styles practised by these leaders.  They looked at the concept of leading from the front, the side and from behind.  The afternoon began with a bridge building activity . Separate groups was tasked with building 1/2 a bridge. The challenge was to communicate verbally with another group so that at the end of the independent construction the bridges could then be connected.  The afternoon was filled with activities. Despite cool water conditions, the students enjoyed kayaking, canoeing and even a quick dip into the water.  The polar bear swim was rewarded with a trip to the outdoor sauna!  Those that were not interested in water activity enjoyed  games of football, frisbee or board games.  After enjoying a wiener roast and s'more feast, the students entertained one another by performing in a coffeehouse.  

Heather leads a session.

Bridge building

Will they connect?

Kathleen and Mackenzie take a spin on the lake.

Kayak ballet!

Lauren shows the boys a thing or two.

Zoe enjoys a s'more!

Coffee house

The Grade 11 class