Thursday, September 27, 2012

Grade 12 Spiritual Retreat - Who will you be in the world?

The Grade 12 Spiritual class retreat was held at Waskesiu Lake on Sept 18th.  The morning session was lead by Patrick Preheim.  Patrick is the pastor of Nutana Park Mennonite Church in Saskatoon.  The theme of the retreat was "Who will you be in the world?"  Patrick lead the grade 12's through a series of spiritual practices that they could continue practicing throughout their lives. Larry Epp lead the students through an exercise focusing on what the student's value in their lives  and how they want to be remembered.  The afternoon activity was student lead by Eric, Landon, Tyler, Jaye, Matt R. and Meghan.  The students spent time going between quiet meditative activities and loud physical activities like backwards football  and ultimate frisbee.  Other activities included boardgames, disc golf, a trip to the driving range and time to 'chill' on the beach.  It was a great day 'off' from traditional school!
Patrick addresses the group

Students learn about the spiritual practice of footwashing

Larry is served by Landon

Larry leads the group

Do grade 12's still have naptime? . . .  Meditating.

Always a favorite. . . dutch blitz

Graceful winners! 

Eric launches a hail mary pass while Liam defends in backwards football.

Matt playing a game of ultimate frisbee.

Grade 12 class of 2012-2013