Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Alumni Basketball, Hockey and Choir Weekend

There was lots of excitement on campus this past weekend as several alumni joined us for spirited games of basketball and hockey.  Richard also lead an alumni choir work shop as well.  The weekend was well attended with a vast number of age groups being represented on the teams and in the choirs. 

Basketball had a number of men's team join us for the weekend.  There were 5 men's teams and 2 women's teams all together.  Several staff members participated this weekend as well.

Adam on the boards

Dave goes up for a shot.

Joel is good for another two points.
Ryan strong on defence.

EJ as an honorary staff member.  EJ enthusiastically helps coach the RJC boys team.

Peter as helps us out at RJC by coaching the RJC girls team.

The games were played with good sportsmanship and in the spirit of good fun!

Father and son discussing the game after meeting each other on the court

The hockey games were played at the town rink.  The oldest alumni to participate was in his 70's! Way to go Carl Regier!

Mel was the only staff member brave enough to pull out the old equipment. 

The choralumni also had a good showing.  After rehearsing twice on Saturday, they performed Sunday Morning at Mount Royal Church in Saskatoon.